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January 07, 2015


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Oh how gorgeous is this hedgehog <3 and your ribbon framing is beautiful <3

Donna Rudy

I NEED this image for my god daughter! lol Gorgeous card, coloured beautifully and lovin the glitter on the wings

Leda Pennock

Love the hedgehog

Beth Norman

Very cute. I love hedge hogs. My dad used to have one as a pet.

Gail L

This is adorable. My BFF loves hedgehogs...I think I see this stamp living at her house....

Cheri Johnston

What a cute hedgehog~~!!!!!! I love the way you framed him with that ribbon, awesome card!


Too cute. Potted hedgehog. Fun image. Hugz


Very cute new image and I love how you have used the ribbon on the card.


Lovely card, cute image of the Hedgehog.


Very cute. I really like the ribbon frame! That's a new one for me. I think I need to CASE that! thanks!

Carolina F.

I am enjoying the new stamps, they are so adorable! Love your pretty card that ribbon around the frame looks amazing.

Di DeCota

Such a happy little hedgehog! Too cute!

Janine B

Lovely layout. That hedgehog has squeezed into that pot - too much Christmas dinner!

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