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January 07, 2014


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Janine B

Love the expression on the elephants face - great card


what a cute and fun way to send a message of love and caring thanks for sharing can understand why its a favourite.


Very cute Valentine.

carol dee

Adorable Valentine card. Ellie is so sweet.

Kathy Graham

Cute, love the elephant.


Great Valentine's Day card!

Shari Green

Oh Lora this card ia ADORABLE!!! The image is so cute and love the heart paper and the embossed hearts too!

Hugs from your friend;

Jane Z.

What a perfect Valentine card, Lora! Your colouring is just amazing...I love this stamp, and will have to order one soon! Great job!!!


Such a sweet stamp and a FAB card


Great card. The elephant is so cute!

Kellie Wells

Great Valentine's card.

Lillian A

Hearts, hearts and more hearts - and everyone knows an elephant doesn't forget - perfect image for valentine's day!

Di DeCota

This is a great Valentine's Day card. Very cute!

Sandy Marcuzzi

Soooo cute!!!

Dorothy S

What an adorable elephant ..


Love this card, elephants are my favorite!


"At High hopes rubber stamps We create our designs with love and smiles" I think Is the blog hop phrase, congrats in the 200th blog challenge post!


So cute. All of the hearts make a perfect Valentine.

Arty Soul

A great card for valentines or anniversary,


OMG what a gorgeous image and what a fantastic card.I really like it.
Mayn thanks for your inspiration and this wonderful blog hop.

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