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December 29, 2012


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Happy Birthday Emilee! I get the feeling that you are a seamstress in the making. I just love the quilt you made.

Love the card you made for Emilee Lora. Beautiful! The image is perfect and coloured so beautifully.


Happy Birthday, Emilee!! Your quilt is beautiful!!! Wow - you follow in your mom's creative footsteps. We just got back from Jamaica - I will write your mom soon - Fabulous place...wow!!!!


Happy 11th Emilee! It does look just like her, great colouring Lora. Alissa just turned 3 on the 16 and I also used a saturated canary stamp, when I saw it I knew it was just perfect for her.

Kerri Boucher

Awesome card and nice machine!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

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