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June 17, 2010


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Oh my gosh...how gorgeous!

Peggie Wilkins

Super cute.


Beautiful and sweet coloring on Tilda. Love the way you used frame to set her there, cute!


So darling! I love Tilda! Great job :o)


Deb Togmus

She is VERY cute Lora! Gotta love that little head scarf. Great colours and sparkle.
Deb xoxo

Pam Sparks

so cute Lora! lovely colors and coloring... I think this might be the Tilda with Peaches but not 100% positive because I don't own her...could easily be Tilda with fruit!!! lol
Pam Going Postal

Rea Custer

Hi Lora, this card is adorable! I love the watermelon pink colored paper you used, and all the elements tie together so well. Great job coloring as well. This Tilda is "Peachy Tilda", but I love how you saw them as apples, and great idea to color them green, I love to change things up like that too. Blessings to you, Rea

Kathy Gerace

Love your Tilda! She is so cute. You did a great job on the scene and coloring everything.
Kathy Gerace


very vibrant colors!


Peggie Wilkins

So pretty. I wondered if Tilda with peaches wouldn't work as Tilda with apples. And she does.

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