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June 30, 2010


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Pam Sparks

she's adorable Lora! I think I own her too...ugh...so much to buy, can't keep up w/coloring! lol


So cute - I like how you finished the inside of the card, too.

Sue S.

Oh, so cute! I'm loving orange more and more when I see what pretty things are being done. This is definitely a smiley card.


Happy Canada Day!
Such a sweet card and I am loving the oranges too!

Rea Custer

Hi Lora, what a cute image. I love the paper lace trim you used, and coloring is great, love the little extra bling you added to the lamb and her hat. I'm not a big fan of orange, and mostly use it for fall. But you did a great job making this card attractive to the eye. Blessings to you, Rea


Love it, Lora!

jane watson

I love the orange on this card. it looks great and that is a very cute stamp that you used.

Nicolette Anderson

This is lovely! I really like the orange tones - I do not use orange very often either, but I love how cheery it is! Great work...

Sheena B

Such a sweet image! and so well coloured.

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