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April 27, 2009


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Marisol Gutierrez

Absolutely Beautiful...What paper is your card base???

Angela from Tennessee

Beautiful cards..Great job! Thanks for sharing!

Jill St. Angelo

Cute cards.

Brandi Weinette

Very nice samples! Thanks - Brandi

Mary Campbell

Love your cards. Also love the DSP. Thanks for sharing. Mary Campbell

jeanne nielsen

Beautiful samples! I love it with that paper and the glitter! TFS! Jeannie

carol marbach ~ udi

gorgeous cards.

cheers ~ carol marbach

Denise T

WOW beautiful job with the cards. I have been on the fence with this set but not anymore...on my next order!

Monika Davis

Great samples Lora!
I just love the Parisian Breeze paper with this set. Your water coloring looks great!
Thanks for sharing!

Terri Harmon

Hi Lora.
Hello from across the river in Michigan! I love the heading of your blog site. Also love the artwork of your cards with the watercolor effect.
Terri H.
[email protected]


Love the sparkle and that dsp!

Jen paige

I love your cards, and I am really lovin this blog tour!


I love what you did with this set. Thanks for sharing


Great cards!!! TFS!

stop by my blog for tour #1 stop #3

Jennifer Eby

Don't you just love Parisian Breeze paper. I use it all the time. I am stocking up in case it isn't in the new catty. Your examples are great. Thanks for the tour. Jennifer


I really like your samples! Great Ideas! Thanks for the tour! Jayne


What cute ideas for this stamp set. I haven't used mine yet, but now I have something to go by.

Thanks for sharing the first tour stop.

Tammy Glaser

I just love your samples! Thanks for doing the blog tour, for your time and effort! I love the colors you used!


OMGosh! Love your color combo and the little bit of bling on the tall weeds (straw)? on the bench.

Lori S.

Happy Tour Day! :)
Great samples - you did a wonderful job with the watercoloring!!! TFS!
Have a wonderful day!

Diane McCornack

Lora, these are beautiful!
Thank you so much for being a part of the blog tour!

Cindy Beach

Your samples are so creative and BEAUTIFULLY done, Lora! Isn't the blog tour fun?

Michele T

I love this set and your samples especially the glitter, I just wouldn't have thought of it and it adds a really nice touch.


Really nice crds, the glitter really adds that little bit more.


Wonderful cards! I did that set on Tour 1...

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